Ontario Looking After Children (3 evenings)

Langue de la formation Anglais
Type d'événement En salle de classe
Ouvert à qui? Employees & Foster parents of Valoris
Informations Importantes Series of 3 evenings (February 5, 12 & 26, 2019)

Informations générales


This training program has been designed to familiarize CAS staff, residential caregiver staff and resource parents in the theory, principles and values which inform the child centred approach to child welfare practice. The aim of the program is to promote resilience while using a developmental focused approach in order to improve outcomes for children in care. The life conditions and experiences that contribute to positive outcomes for youth are explored, and the ways in which the data from AARs can be used to improve outcomes for children in care are highlighted. The curriculum explores the following six core concepts of Looking after Children:

  • Resiliency and a strengths based focus
  • Positive/authoritative parenting
  • The seven critical developmental dimensions assessed in the OnLAC Model
  • The power of positive expectations
  • Outcomes for children which are measured
  • Assessment which leads to action

Learning Objectives

As a result of their participation in this training, participants will be able to:

  • State the aim and purpose of OnLAC
  • Summarize the history and development of OnLAC
  • List life conditions and experiences that contribute to positive outcomes for youth
  • State the shared, desired developmental goal for every child in care
  • Recognize how the AAR data can be used to improve outcomes for children in care
  • Define the developmental model
  • Contrast the developmental model and the medical model
  • List the benefits of the developmental model for planning for children
  • Relate at least one story about a child whose growth and development has exceeded initial expectations
  • Define resilience and the types of resilience
  • List personal attributes related to resilience
  • Identify how adversity impacts a child and how intervention can enhance resilience
  • Give examples of how the AAR monitors a child’s progress/resilience
  • Define positive/authoritative parenting
  • Articulate the role of a parent according to type of setting for the child
  • Identify their role in corporate parenting
  • Identify what is in the AAR, name the seven dimensions and begin to develop plans of care that relate to each dimension
  • Participate in an interview with a youth using the AAR
  • Articulate the role of the residential caregiver in completing the AAR
  • Locate the asset profile and know how to complete that section of the AAR
  • Explain the impact of the expectations of others on children and youth
  • Define stereotypes, diagnosis and prognosis
  • Explain the possible impacts of stereotypes, diagnoses and labels on children and youth
  • State the importance of an ambitious life goal for children and youth in care
  • Prepare a Plan of Care with goals, objectives, tasks, time lines and assigned responsibilities
  • Design goals and objectives that are observable and measurable
  • Describe the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY)
  • Explain how OnLAC and the NLSCY can be used for benchmarking organizational progress
  • State why outcome measurement is critical at the individual and organizational levels
  • Describe how aggregate data can be used to benefit children in care


The competencies for OnLAC training are organized by section, as listed below.

At the completion of this training, participants will be able to:

Introduction to Ontario Looking After Children (OnLAC)

  • Summarize the historical context of Looking After Children
  • Articulate the aim and purpose of OnLAC
  • Identify the current common outcomes of children in care
  • Articulate the evidence supporting the effectiveness of OnLAC
  • Understand that OnLAC is a strengths based approach to providing services to children in care
  • Indicate how the AAR information can be used as data in decision making

Détails de l'événement

Date de l'événement 5 février 2019
Date de fin 5 février 2019
Prix individuel $262.50
Lieu Centre de services Rockland de Valoris Rockland Services Centre
Les inscriptions pour cet événement sont terminées.

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